Registrasie van kleuterskole
Registrasie van Gedeeltelike Sorgsentrums/ Kleuterskole
Alle sentrums (kleuterskole, pre-primêre skole, bewaarskole, dagmoeders) wat omsien na ses of meer kinders onder die ouderdom van 18 jaar vir ‘n gedeelte van die dag of die week word verplig om te registreer by die Department van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling (DSD).
Die inligting oor die herregistrasie is in die Kinderwet gepubliseer
Children’s Act 38-2005 as amended march 2010:
Hier volg ‘n uittreksel uit die Kinderwet:
Partial care facility to be registered
(1) Any person or organisation may establish or operate a partial care facility provided that the facility-
(a) is registered with the provincial government of the province where that facility is situated;
(b) is managed and maintained in accordance with any conditions subject to which the facility is registered and
(c) complies with the prescribed national norms and standards. ANNEXURE B contemplated in section 79 and such other requirements as may be prescribed.
(2) The Minister may by regulation exempt any person or organisation or any category of person or organisation from the requirement to register on such conditions as may be prescribed.
(3) Partial care facilities operated or managed by a national or provincial state department or by a municipality must comply with subsection (1).
(4) As from the date on which this section takes effect an existing place of care registered or deemed to be registered in terms of the Child Care Act must be regarded as having been registered in terms of this section as a partial care facility.
(5) A facility referred to in subsection (4) is regarded as a registered partial care facility for a period of five years from the date on which that subsection takes effect, unless its registration is cancelled in terms of section 84 before the expiry of that period.
Application for registration and renewal of registration
(1) An application for registration or conditional registration of a partial care facility or for the reinstatement or renewal of registration must-
(a) be lodged with the provincial head of social development of the province where the facility is situated in accordance with a prescribed procedure;
(b) contain the prescribed particulars; and
(c) be accompanied by-
(i) a report by a social service professional on the viability of the application; and
(ii) any documents that may be prescribed.
(2) An applicant must provide such additional information relevant to the application as the provincial head of social development may determine.
(3) An application for the renewal of registration or conditional registration must be made at least 90 days before the registration is due to expire, but the provincial head of social development may allow a late application on good cause shown.
(4) The provincial head of social development must renew the registration of a partial care facility before the expiration thereof if the application for renewal was lodged at least 90 days before the registration was due to expire as contemplated in subsection (3).
Alle nuwe registrasies asook herregistrasies moes plaasvind teen 1 April 2015.
Hierdie datum is vyf jaar na die publikasie datum van die hersiende weergawe van die Kinderwet, soos gepubliseer in die Staatskoerant No 33076 op 1 April 2010. Sien Afdeling 80 (4) (5).
Die Department van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling beskou die bogenoemde as ‘n toepaslike wet, en het ‘n mandaat om sorgsentrums te ondersteun om hierdie registrasie aansoeke te in. Daar is nie duidelikheid oor wat met ‘n skool sal gebeur na die datum van 1 April 2015 nie. Die departement se verteenwoordigers beklemtoon die dringindheid by elke skool om dit wel gedoen te kry in die beskikbare tyd.
Waar begin ek?
Laai die dokument met die eerste paar stappe hier af:
Steps to follow for re-registration
Laai hier die dokumente af vir die registrasie proses by die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling,
Gauteng Provinsie (Al die dokumente is van toepassing vir die aansoek).
4. ANNEXURE B partial care wk 1
5. ANNEXURE B partial care wk 2
10. form 29; part b
11. Form 30
Noodplan – Laai die uiteensetting (opgestel deur die Tshwane raad) vir die aansoek by die ‘Disaster Management’ afdeling van die plaaslike munisipale raad hier af:
Laai die Kinderwet in Afrikaans hier af: kinderwet_no38_van_2005_afr
Download the Children’s Act here: childrens_act_regs_p1_54
Download the NATIONAL NORMS AND STANDARDS (Sections 79; 94; 106; 147; 194 and 216 of the Act) here: ANNEXURE B
Ander provinsies: kontaklys van die Dept Maatsk Ontw se provinsiale kantore